Here's where you get to see what readers have had to say about the premiere issue of Grrowl!:

"I love it!!! There's a definite message behind the humor.... It left me wanting to read more, even after I'd read through it all. Thanks for putting this together, and kudos to you, and the wonderful writers!"


"Congratulations on a first issue with panache! Thanks for including four excellent selections. I will come back for more and spread the word to my friends and family. It was refreshing to read something different, fun, thought provoking and interesting."


"[this] site caught my attention and has kept it. It's interesting and cool! I found it of off Yahoo, under cool sites, under grrrly things. I was glad upon further inspection to find this was a "normal" girl sight. Your article about yelling at the TV confirmed the fact."


"Well done, ladies. So refreshing to read the ideas and stories of others. Keep up the good work."


"EXCELLENT STUFF!!! Kudos to both Amelia Wilson for "Yelling at T.V." and Racheline Maltese for "I am a Woman." I have never read a poem that more aptly, PERFECTLY describes me...thank you!!!"


"Racheline- I am a woman. I will endure."


"more young people should be contributing to your magazine"


"I just wanted to let you know that you guys kick ass! You do! Oh geez, do i sound dumb."


"Just when I wanted to stick my head out the window and scream "I ain't taking it more" I come across GRROWl. THANKS"


"i just finished reading grrowl! at a pay by the minute cyber cafe. although the prices are truly outrageous, it was totally worth the time to read it. i would totally be into submitting stuuf to this zine and forsee large things in the future, so much emotion, so little time. c ya!"


"Hi there, Must say, it has given me inspiration to know there are ladies on other continents that feel much the same way as I do about things."


"I appreciate the author who wrote "Ode to My Nose" Mine is extremely large and I get embarrased to talk about it. Thanks for understanding."


"I thought Racheline's poem was incredible and am thrilled to have found a page and a group I relate so well to. You go, nrrd grrls-- be with your bad selves. Keep on doing what you're doing. Nrrd grrls rock my world."


"wow. i read about this site in Computer connections, a mag in virginia beach, va, so i decided to visit. i like it lots.

oh yeah, i'm a guy. this page rocks!"


"I would just like to comment on all the beautiful, sage, intelligent, and most of all powerful women out there who have all made a difference in where women stand in society today. I thank you all for your support."


"finally a space for me. can't wait to send my stuff..the good and the bad"


"Hey, Grreat! Keep the faith, and keep the 'zine going! I'll come back sometime and, if the line's not too long, enjoy it again. You've got me all excited to keep up my work on the web. Gotta go now. Thanks!"


"This is such an amazing website! One of the best I've visited yet!"


"Hey! It's 1:22 am EST and I've just discovered the page that IS me on the WWW. I wouldn't classify myself as a nerd, but a woman I am, and a frustrated one at that! It was so refreshing to read the GROWL articles which speak my sentiments. I feel sickened when I see the garbage on T.V, and feel the pressure of others demands simply because I am a woman and should deal with it. Keep it up NrrdGrrl, I want to hear more viewpoints, attitudes and anger by the rest of the women on this big planet!"


"I am 14, going on 15 in a month. Your page is so neat, I love it! It really is cool that there is something out there that can raise self esteem. I loved it a lot, now its a bookmark on my computer. I even printed out Racheline Maltese's "I Am A Woman". It is cool to be grrls! Keep up the excellent work!"
